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How often should you wash your windows?

Residential window cleaning from the outside

This depends on the windows that you have. If you own a residential space, we recommend to get your windows cleaned at least 2 times a year - once after winter season and again at the end of fall. This is because winter’s harsh weather affects windows the most - it is best to take off any dust and dirt off the windows before the weather gets too cold and follow up on removal of the dust and dirt after wintertime is over to maintain good condition of the windows. If you have a commercial space, we recommend getting the cleaning on a more frequent basis depending on the location and type of business that you have. If you have a restaurant, we recommend getting the cleaning done on a monthly or bi-weekly basis. If you have a medical center, we recommend you get the cleaning approximately once a month to maintain cleanliness. If you have a storefront, it is good to get the windows cleaned approximately once a month so that the customers are attracted to what is on the display instead of on the glass itself.

We hope this little information helps you better understand what is going on with your windows. Feel free to call us if you have any further questions or would like to request a window cleaning service that can take care of any other problems you might have with your windows.

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